Scottsboro’s 7th Annual
Band Festival
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Pat Trammel Stadium

Thank you for bringing your band to compete.
Please see the general information below.
You may also call us at 1-256-218-2039


Entry Fee

For the first 20 bands registering, the entry fee will be $100.00.  Please make checks payable to Scottsboro High School.
Please send payment to:
Scottsboro High School Band
C/O Jimmy Leek
25053 John T. Reid Parkway
Scottsboro, AL  35768

Click Here For Festival Entry Form


Entry Deadline

The entry form must be postmarked or completed on-line before October 10, 2024.  Registration will close at 20 bands.


  • Class A 1 – 20
  • Class AA 21 – 40
  • Class AAA 41 – 70
  • Class AAAA 71 – 95
  • Open Class* 95 and up

Band classification will be based the number of playing members. Percussion excluded (i.e. winds-only). Classifications are listed in this table. 7th and 8th grade marchers count as 1/2 toward the total.

Type of Show

Your band may perform any type of show that best represents the students and their abilities.

When facing the press box from the field, each band will enter from the left and exit from the right.

If your band needs assistance, we will be transporting pit equipment from the unloading area to the field.

Order of Performance

The order of performance will be determined by a drawing per classification.

Information will be emailed to each band director by October 12th.

Scoring will be as follows:

Music: 40 points
Marching: 40 points
General effect: 20 points


85-100 (Class A 80-100) Superior Rating I
70-84.0 (Class A 70-79.9) Excellent II
69.9 or less Good III


A comments only evaluation is permissible but the director will need to email Mr. Leek at so it can be accurately reflected on the scoresheet.

*** Grand Champion score is calculated by eliminating the highest and lowest band scores, and averaging the 3 remaining band scores, percussion, drum major, and highest auxiliary score***

Our Judges

Band Judges – Ronnie Griffin, Chris Hagler, Paul Tallent, Brandon Pruitt, Dr. Jonathon Powell

Dance and Majorette – Amy Shannon

Color Guard – Amy Hagler

Percussion – Josh Anderson

Drum Major – Dr. Thomas Whitten


  • Overall Grand Champion
  • Best in Class Trophies for Drum Major, Soloist, Majorettes, Color Guard, Danceline, Percussion, and Band. (Must have at least three performers in the class to be considered)
  • Most Entertaining Award.


  • Excellent warm-up areas, designated parking, and facilities.
  • Large Hospitality Building with meals, drinks, and snacks served for directors and bus drivers.

General Information

Please do not “tailgate” or bring outside food into the stadium. We have worked hard to offer good food with our concession stand and outside vendors at a reasonable price but rely on the sale of food as many of you do at your home stadiums to help fund our band. Thank you!

Spectator parking will be located behind Collins Intermediate School across from the stadium and will be clearly marked. Access to the parking lot is via Cecil Street. Handicap parking is available right in front of the stadium.

General admission tickets are $10. Free admission for children under five..